Cannabis Cures, Government Kills - Published on Oct 3, 2015
Max Igan - The Crowhouse - Surviving The Matrix
This is a report on the many benefits to personal health and environmental health.

Published on Mar 8, 2013 How Hemp Threatens the Corporatocracy | Brainwash Update



Cannabis: A Lost History (FULL DOCUMENTARY)
Published on January 4, 2018

Used by Ancient Monks for 100 Health Conditions, Why Is It Banned? Arthritis, heart disease, autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, nausea, glaucoma, asthma, high blood pressure, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, insomnia, pain, gout and rheumatism - no wonder the Chinese swore by it as far back as 2800 B.C. So why is it forbidden today? This documentary explores the longstanding relationship of human beings and cannabis, from its use in ancient Asia to its ban in 20th century America.
Website for more information: